The Fence • 18th February 2025 The Priapic Princess Lauren Spencer will not reveal her OnlyFans subscriber count, but she will tell me she is in the top 0.3% in the world. At 52, Spencer has a unique calling card – she impersonates Diana, Princess of Wales.
XCity • 17th April 2024 Dating across the disciplines Caitlin Barr sent six lucky MA students on an interview assignment like no other, with the hopes of setting up at least one new City Journalism romance
Larder Magazine • 21st March 2024 Checking out the scran at London’s first Scottish cafe Fancy a black pudding breakfast roll in the morning? How about an Irn Bru for brunch? Caitlin Barr visits Auld Hag: the first cafe in the capital to bring a taste of Scotland down south.
Larder Magazine • 21st March 2024 Seoul food: London’s Little Korea New Malden is home to Europe’s densest population of Korean expatriates, with an eclectic culinary culture to boot. From bibimbap to bingsu, Caitlin Barr tours the ‘Little Korea’ that’s only a stone’s throw from Waterloo.
Larder Magazine • 18th March 2024 Marshmallow mousse? It was acceptable in the 80s Caitlin Barr decided to recreate some vintage recipes from her grandma’s old cookbooks; she is yet to recover.
THE FAT ZINE • 31st August 2023 fat barbie and me by caitlin barr — THE FAT ZINE As a child, I can distinctly remember slotting my Barbie into her teal open topped Barbie car, satisfied by how perfectly her frame fit into the seat.
Polyester • 30th May 2023 How Capitalism Robs Women of Having Hobbies — Polyester A piece about the ways in which capital stifles the enjoyment of hobbies and exploring multiple personalities for Polyester Zine.
RAZZ • 5th July 2022 Before/After Pics A piece on before/after pics and their detrimental impact for RAZZ's TRANSFORM issue.
RAZZ • 22nd June 2022 Love Island Champions a Sustainable Future It’s June, which means that most of us have the familiar jingle of the Love Island theme tune playing on a loop in our heads. Toned bodies, exclamations of ‘got a text!’ and awkward firepit convos abound! But this year, something is different. Instead of the standard violently neon, probably highly flammable clothes made in factories where workers make £3.50 per hour, this year’s islanders are donning second-hand fits thanks to Ebay.
RAZZ • 13th April 2022 new year, new you?: social media usage A piece on trying and failing to cut down on social media usage for RAZZ's DISCOVER edition.
Exeposé Online • 18th February 2022 Taylor Swift songs as books Are you a die-hard Swiftie and not sure what to read next? Caitlin Barr recommends books based on their similarities with Taylor Swift songs.
RAZZ • 6th December 2021 The Self-Care Industrial Complex A piece on the monetisation of self-care for RAZZ's NOURISH edition.
RAZZ • 30th July 2021 Bad Adaptations Film and TV adaptations can be a mixed bag, especially when your favourite books are on the line. Katie Garvin and Caitlin Barr discuss the film adaptations that disappointed them the most.
RAZZ • 30th July 2021 Bad Boys RAZZ writer Caitlin Barr answers the age old question: 'why do we love a bad boy?'
RAZZ • 27th June 2021 Eating Out in Exeter: My Favourite Independent Cafés and Restaurants If you’ve been a student in Exeter for any amount of time, it’s likely that you’ve take yourself to the Waterstones café for some serious main character time. You may also have sampled the delights of Boston Tea Party with friends or queued outside Pret for a flat white. But how many of the city’s independent places have you tried?
LAPP • 21st April 2021 Lockdown Weight Gain And The Pressure To Lose It When the UK government’s lockdown roadmap was announced towards the end of February, I was thrilled. Finally - nights out, house parties with more than just the 4 other people I live with, hopping on a train into the city and catching a film at my favourite cinema – all the best bits of summers past were going to be legal again in the near future.
RAZZ • 15th March 2021 Interview: Phoebe Jameson, Online Body-Positive Activist TW: Discussions of online harassment and abuse, weight and fatphobia In this interview, RAZZ’s Outreach Officer Caitlin Barr sat down with Phoebe Jameson, an online activist and co-founder of the Speak Up Space, to chat about why we need to start talking about online harassment, abuse and fatphobia.
RAZZ • 6th March 2021 Societies in Isolation An article on Exeter's university societies and how they ahve been coping during lockdown
RAZZ • 17th February 2021 StudyTube: Pens, Post-its and Productivity If you’re watching a bullet journal tour, an exam season daily routine, or an 8-hour long study with me livestream, you’ve probably stumbled upon StudyTube. This corner of YouTube has been gaining traction for years, with key figures such as Jack Edwards, Exeter’s own Ruby Granger, and Eve Bennett achieving high subscriber rates and millions of views.